


      Invitation to the DARC-X-Mas Contest 2024 - 26.12.2024

      Dear Contester,

      The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) has the honor to invite all radio amateurs to participate in the annual XMAS Sprint-Contest. The next edition of this well-known sprint contest will be running on December 26, 08:30-10:59 UTC.

      As an international participant you have to work German stations for points and German prefixes and DARC districts ("DOK") for multipliers. You have to send RS(T) and a serial number

      starting with 001.

      Each station may be worked one time on 3.5 MHz and one time on 7 MHz. The station calling CQ must QSY after the QSO, leaving the frequency to the station which answered his/her call. A maximum of 20 band changes or mode changes are allowed during the contest period.
      NEW: in the MIXED category, you can work each station on each band once in each mode (so in total 4 times without dupes).
      German stations may work everybody. Members of DARC and VFDB send RS(T) and their DOK. Non-members of DARC and VFDB in Germany will send "NM" instead of a DOK.
      You will find the complete rules here:
      Please submit your log in CABRILLO file format via web upload. The web upload is available at
      Please note: deadline for log-submissions is 7 days after contest end: 02.January 2025.
      For questions send your mail to The list of log entries, claimed scores, and final results will be published on our website
      And now: Join the DARC-XMAS 2024 and have fun!
      Season´s Greetings and happy New Year ...
      Michael, DL3FCG
      DARC Referat Conteste
      Contestmanager DARC-XMAS

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