Sonthofen - Oberstdorf - Hindelang - Oberstaufen - Immenstadt - The southernmost Ham Radio DARC club location of Germany !

Welcome to our English speaking guests

Our DARC - Ham Radio Club section "Tango12" welcomes all english speaking guests on our homepage. "Oberallgäu", thats the name of our region and "Tango12" the name (DOK) of our DARC ham radio club section.  The general homepage information is in german language, but this page should give you an overview and some data about our hobby, maybe also for your usage.
If you are staying at our area, come and visit us at our monthly club meeting. More details you get below and on the german first page.
For spending holidays at our region we wish you a nice stay and a great time !

D-STAR DB0ESS Relais on Grünten "On Air"

Grünten (1.738 m above zero) is a mountain south of Sonthofen, which provides a phantastic view into the Oberallgäu area. What is good for sightseeing is also good for Ham Radio ! This is why we are happy to supply a possibility to communicate via D-Star from the top of this mountain into a very wide area at the foot of Gruenten mountain.
Bringing the station to send was a big effort for several of our Ham Radio members. First getting all necessary permissions, second getting all equipment and antenna to the top of the mountain and third installation of the D-Star relais. An illustrated report from our local president about all the work, partly in deep powder snow, you can read in german language at  this link:

Here you can read a report of DB1MSO, Oliver (LINK)

Here you can see additional pictures of this project.

The location of the analog 70cm relais is Mittag mountain (1.451m above zero) close to Immenstadt

Important for our hobby

DSTAR70cm439,5125 MHz431,9125 MHzRU761Setting
DSTAR2m145,7625 MHz
145,1625 MHz
DSTAR23cm1298,4250 MHz1270.4250 MHzRS17
DSTAR Data23cmRPS simplex1242,4500 MHzRS18
Mittag70cm439,000 MHz431,4 MHzCall tone 1750HzInfolink
Loc.frequ.2m144,725 MHzsimplex
APRS144,800 MHzPosition detectionInfolink


Echolink Node number via Repeater on Mittag mountain DB0ZD. Via Internet on Air into Allgäu resp. into the world


Hint to our meetings / QSL card of our club station TANGO 12

QSL-Klubkarte Tango 12

Regrettable, we don't have a real "club station". But each month, every 2nd Thursday we are meeting for our club evening. More details about dates, time and location you can see on the the first page on the right side. If you are at our area don't hesitate to visit us. Speaking english is not the problem.

Here is the link to jump to first page with meeting dates on right side -> LINK  (Look at "TERMINE")


On the right picture you see the QSL card which can be enlarged by clicking onto it with the left mouse button.

The members of our club section "Tango 12" are coming in the north behind Kempten, west from Oberstaufen, east from Pfronten, Hindelang and from the south Oberstdorf and Kleines Walsertal.


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