DARC 10m Contest (english)
Contest Manager
Lars Oesten, DF1LON
The DARC 10m contest is a short contest addressing international participants by various categories. DXCC entities as well as the German DOK count as multipliers. If the band is open to Germany you can easily work some hundred German stations. From the German point of view, in any 10m-Contest there are certainly some first hop stations available, e.g. from EA8, CT or LZ.
The 10m band is a magic band. Whereas in sunspot maximum you will get world wide contacts with low power or even QRP signals, in the sunspot minimum the band behaves like VHF and seems often to be dead. Thus, a good VHF QTH is perfect to gain additional contest fun. However, also in the European winter season there are sometimes significant openings to southern Europe or northern Africa. Loud first hop signals attract German stations to call you. We usually have nearly one thousand DL entries, but you probably might only work a small part of them. Imagine: Besides European and African stations like you, a German small pistol station can certainly work a handful of local stations and some other German mountain top stations as well.
Therefore, mark the date in your contest calendar and check whether the 10m band is open to DL. You will enjoy two hours with nice pile-ups for training and fun. We would be happy to receive your log and will reward you with a PDF certificate.