DARC RTTY-short contest rules
Contest Manager RTTY kurz

Contest Manager
Peter John
dl7ys (at) darc.de
The "General Contest Rules" of DARC e.V. apply in the version published on the pages of the contest committee.
Organizer: DARC e.V. Referat Conteste
1 Contest Periods
Quarterly, second tuesday, every first month of a quarter
18.00 UTC - 19.29 UTC
Dates 2025:
14th January 2025 | 18:00 - 19:29 UTC |
8th April 2025 | 18:00 - 19:29 UTC |
8th July 2025 | 18:00 - 19:29 UTC |
14th October 2025 | 18:00 - 19:29 UTC |
2 Bands / Modes
Bands: 80m and 40m
Mode: RTTY
Every station may be may be worked once on 3.5 MHz and once on 7 MHz.
3 Categories
Single operator, low power (max. 100 W Output)
Single operator, QRP (max. 5 W Output)
Trainee (only for DL-.stations)
4 Exchange
German stations send RS(T) and their DOK, or "NM" (no member) if they are not a
DARC member. NM does not count as a multiplier.
Other stations send: RS(T) + serial number. If a station does not send serial numbers, 000 is to be logged.
5 QSO Points
Each completed QSO counts 1 point
6 Multipliers
One multiplier per DOK per band and one multiplier per prefix per band
7 Score
The sum of the QSO points multiplied by the sum of the multiplier points.Incorrect
QSOs will be deleted.
8 Log Submission
Please submit your log in CABRILLO file format via web upload. The web upload is
available at
The receipt of logs will be automatically confirmed by an email with a message of
possible errors in the log and the password for the access to your UBN-file. The logs
will be part of the DCL (DARC Community Logbook). By submitting the log, the
participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest.
9 Deadline
All entries must be sent within seven (7) days after the contest.
10 Awards
Certificates will be awarded to every participant as PDF-file for self-printing. Metallized plates for the winners in every class.
11 Disqualification
Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct will be deemed
sufficient cause for disqualification.
12 Logging
In Wintest, the RTTY-Short-Contest is implemented since release 4.50. But you can use
the DARC Eastercontest or DARC Xmas-Contest and simply change the mode to RTTY.
N1MM works as well as WinTest with the same settings as DARC-Easter- or XMAS-
Contest. UCX-Log has implemented the DARC RTTY-Short-Contest since release 8.29
13 Contest Manager
DL7YS, Peter John
If you have any questions, please mail to: dl7ys(at)darc.de