HST 2016 - Igalo, Montenegro

The 13th IARU World High Speed Telegraphy Championships took place from September 21 to 24 in Igalo, Montenegro. The DARC attended the event with a team of six competitors and one referee:
- Andre, DL4UNY (Team Leader)
- Ulf, DL5AXX
- Stefan, DL9ABM
- Oliver, DJ9AO
- Uli, DJ2YA
- Christian, DL7CH
- Mat, DL4MM (referee assistant)
Official homepage of the event: www.hst2016.me
Day 1 - Bronze medal for Stefan, DL9ABM!
Stefan Hader, DL9ABM won the Bronze Medal in Rufz (55k points, 450cpm) against strong competition from eastern Europe. (1st place: YT6W, 2nd place: LZ1BP)
Day 2 - Bronze for Stefan, DL9ABM
Stefan Hader, DL9ABM won Bronze in MorseRunner (3366 points) (1st place: HA8KW, 2nd place: YT6W)!