HST 2014 - Bar, Montenegro

The 8th IARU Region 1 High Speed Telegraphy Championships took place from September 12 to 16 in Bar, Montenegro. The DARC attended the event with a team of four competitors:

  • Fabian, DJ1YFK (Team leader)
  • Ulf, DL5AXX
  • Daniel, DL5SE
  • Stefan, DL9ABM

 Official homepage of the event: www.hst2014.org


Day 1 - Silver medal for Stefan, DL9ABM!

Stefan Hader, DL9ABM won the Silver Medal in the RufzXP competition (category I), against strong competition from eastern Europe.

Day 2 - Silver and Bronze for Stefan, DL9ABM, Bronze for Fabian, DJ1YFK

Stefan Hader, DL9ABM won the Bronze medal in the transmitting competition and Silver in MorseRunner (category I). Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK achieved a Bronze medal in the RufzXP competition (category F).


Stay tuned for more updates from Montenegro!

HST 2014 - Results

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Results of the HST 2014 (Bar, Montenegro)

The results of the 8th IARU Region 1 High Speed Telegraphy Championships are available as a PDF documents.

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