Tipps & Info
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How to make more of your WAG participation
Of course you can have fun with simply operating on the bands in WAG after switching on the radio - like you can have fun at a city festival without map, event schedule and tips of friends. But a bit more information in advance can make for more fun with the event.
If you are in a hurry you may take the brief tour in slides giving you an overview possible in less than two minutes with WAG basics, main rules including contestfee segments, operating tips, logcheck info and publishing info. It is the picture version of a 2015 webinar with audio comments in a length of 17 minutes linked in the right coloumn on top.
Districts, DOKs and a mysterious multiplier
In the WAG Contest German stations who are members of DARC will send their "DOK" in the exchange, the abbreviation of their local DARC-chapter like C12 for Munich-North. See what you can extract from it, what the mysterious 26th multiplier is and learn a bit about DL and its hams. You will also find some beautiful landscapes and additionally views resulting from "Keep your city beautiful, grow aluminium". Read more...
How many figures about WAG can you bear?
How many stations can you expect? What are the most active German regions and for which districts (=multiplier) will you have to dig deepest? How many competitors do you have to expect in which category? What score had been necessary to make it into the TopTen? Read more...

Legal robbery explained - the logchecking process
"Why does it take months to determine the results when you have computers to check the logs?" Short answer: Because computers and software are very, very picky and we human operators are very creative - how we use (and misuse) our software and radio equipment. And if YOU fight with full effort for every contact you deserve that WE judge as good as we can whether a logged qso is valid for your score or not. And that takes and will take a lot of human work. Read more how we get your score and you a detailed account of badcalls, uniques and NILS...
Warmup by helping newcomers
Three hours before WAG Contest starts the DARC training contest. From 1200 to 1430 UTC you we'll meet mostly newcomers on 80 and 40m in SSB and CW (same contestfree segments as WAG) with modest speed. Exchange for non-DL stations is RS(T) plus serial number. See the full rules of this friendly event here.
The contest awards with your call, score and ranking are available after the results are out. Click on Certificates in the menue on the left and insert your call and the year of activity. You can download a pdf file with your award - to be printed on paper or parchment of your choice. But there is more with WAG for award hunters:
The many DOKs you' ve logged will be automatically counted for you for DLD-award if they were crosschecked ok with the DL-stations' logs. Having an LotW-account you can look up all your confirmed QSOs in the DARC Community Logbook. Confirmations are valid for more than 20 awards from WAC or WAE over DLD to regional awards like Titisee Diplom.
Beyond those you may be interested in a nearly full list of German awards (tnx to Diplom Interessen Gruppe, DIG) from the "Aalen's spy award" (based on a legend about a spy who succesfully told the enemy he were a spy and then could spy unharmed) to the Zollern-Alb-Award.
We now have a big overview what can be collected during WAG for many German awards and also about how many paperless confirmations of this QSOs are possible with DCL - read our award check.
We want to be good neighbours - WAG and JOTA
WAG shares the weekend with the worldwide Jamboree on the Air of scouts in many countries. To mimimize interference contest-free segments have been established on the bands. They are not recommendations but part of the rules. To have the frequencies handy at your operating position you may print out this little notice sheet (pdf) or place it as a little window on your operating screen during the contest. A click on the picture shows you a possible arrangement with the N1MM logging software. Some contest loggers implemented an indication of the contestfree segments. Look here what your logger does by itself or with few clicks before the contest thus avoiding unwanted interference.
Not reading our rules before operating or the "heat of the activity" may cause participants to tune into the segments defined as contestfree in the rules. To prevent such unwanted incidents your logging software can help. When using CAT you will be warned automatically using newer versions of UCXLog, DXLog, HAM Office, TR4W or SD. Win-Test allows this also with only a few clicks before the start (see here how easy to do).