Worked All Europe DX Contest
WAEDC Manager

Many leading contesters claim the WAEDC to be the most challenging contest of the year. Being a true blue DX contest, only intercontinental QSOs between DX and Europe are counted (exception is the RTTY part). Therefore the number of DX QSOs here may be similar to the amount of DX usually worked in the CQWW.
Moreover, the unique feature of QTC-traffic adds much fun and another operating challenge to the contest. Here the DX stations transfer real telegrams to the European stations. These telegrams contain data of previously logged QSOs. Each of these records counts one additional point for the sender and the receiver, given that the complete record was logged correctly. Thus, a DX station can actually double its score by sending QTCs. Some European stations, and not only the leading ranks, gain more than 70 percent of their score from QTC traffic.
Hovever, like in any other contest you have to take care about the number of multipliers too. From a DX point of view these are the WAE entities. For the European stations multipliers come from DXCC entities worked and the numerical call areas of several big countries (BY, JA, PY, W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS). Because multipliers are counted per band and on the low bands they count more than on the high bands, there ist significant activity also on 40m and 80m. And remember - every contact is a DX QSO! Reflecting on this, you will work lowband DX as well as highband DX even in the CW part in August as well as in the SSB part in September, despite all seasonal problems in the northern hemisphere. Remember, this part of the year is usually good for lowband activities from the southern hemisphere. For a well equipped station and a skilled operator worldwide DX is possible on 80m. In addition, the nowadays good 10m band surprisingly often shows great DX openings with good rates and useful multipliers.
From our point of view, the WAEDCs are significant landmarks in the yearly contest calender, providing highest level radiosport for serious contesters and fun for part time entrants and DXers alike. Join the WAEDC!
This year, we see a very high rate of logs in WAE-RTTY with errors. It seems, that specific software releases (N1MM, Writelog) are creating CABRILLO-files containing syntax errors or strange characters instead of correct data. Our log robot rejects these logs until these errors are removed or corrected. Therefore, the robot shows the QSO- or line-numbers, where errors are detected. Please read the hints carefully an edit your CBR-files until the robot accepts it! |
Most of the plaques for the 69th WAE-session were handed out to the continental winners at this years HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen. The plaques for the winners who could not attend this years HAM RADIO are sent out via mail end of July 2024. Let me express again my warm thanks to to CW-OPs (https://cwops.org), for generous sponsorship of the plaques for WAE-CW 2023.
73 de DL7YS, Peter
WAE-Contest Manager
Logs need to be uploaded in Cabrillo-Format here:
By submitting an electronic log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest. A written declaration is not necessary.
WAE-DX-Contest and IARU bandplan
According to IARU-Region-1 rules, no contest operation (neither RUN nor S&P) outside the contest-preferred segments is permitted.
No contest operation:
CW : 3570-3800; 7040-7200; 14060-14350 kHz
SSB: 3650-3700; 7050-7060; 7100-7130; 14100-14125; 14300-14350 kHz.
At all times, participants have to respect the IARU-bandplans.
73 de
Peter John (DL7YS)
WAEDC Manager