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The Day of YL’s Award

21-22 May 2011

This weekend will feature a gathering on the air all amateur radio women around the world and of course all OM are invited to participate.

1. Organiser : Carine F5ISY, Sandra HK3JJB, Petra DF5ZV, Mona KI4PJC
2. Aim of this day :     To promote YLs activity around the world
3. Time :  2011-05-21  00h00 UTC     to    2011-05-22  24h00 UTC
4. Bands : 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz
                To help competitors to find each other we propose to use frequencies +/- 10 kHz from  the following activity center frequencies:
                       CW: 3.533, 7.033, 14.033, 21.033 and 28.033 MHz
                       RTTY: 3.588, 7.044, 14.088, 21.088 and 28.088 MHz
                       SSB: 3.733, 7.133, 14.233, 21.233 and 28.433 MHz
5. Modes : CW, SSB, DATA (RTTY, PSK …)
6. Exchanges : RS(T) + name + YL/OM  (e.g. 59(9) Carine + YL)
                   The same station may be worked once on each band and mode.
7. Award : An award will be issued to all participants (SWLs are welcome) who have made or heard more than 33 contacts with YLs (pdf file) No Charge.
8. Results will be published separately for OM and YLs according to the number of YLs logged.
9. Logs : Mail log to f5isy at   not later than 2011-06-26
              Mail object : call + OM/YL + Number of YL contacted + Total number  of QSO
Logging software :

PA3CUZ 4/11/11

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