DARC 10m-Contest 2024 - Official Rules
- 12.01.2025 09:00 UTC - 10:59 UTC
Operating modes and bands
- CW: 28.000 - 28.190 kHz
- SSB: 28.300 - 28.700 kHz
Participation classes
- Stations with a station location on the national territory of the Federal Republic of Germany:
- Single Operator, Mixed, Low Power
- Single Operator, Mixed, High Power
- Single Operator, CW, Low Power
- Single Operator, CW, High Power
- Single Operator, SSB, Low Power
- Single Operator, SSB, High Power
- NEW since 2025 Trainee: Prefix DN1 – DN8 and /T Station
- all other stations:
- Single Operator, Mixed
- Single Operator, CW
- Single Operator, SSB
Operating modes
- SSB and CW
Data exchange and scoring
- Stations to be worked: each, once per mode allowed in the participation class.
- For a valid contact the following data must be exchanged and logged completely and correctly:
- Rapport (RS or RST)
- a consecutive serial number starting with 001
- additionally for DL stations: DOK of the callsign used or 'NM' if the callsign used is not assigned to a DOK.
- Each QSO counts one QSO point.
- Each WAE country/DXCC area reached per mode and each DOK reached per mode results in one multiplier point. (Note: 'NM' does not count as a multiplier point).
- The result of a station in a participation class is the product of the sum of the QSO points and the sum of the multipliers of all its valid contacts.
- Contest logs are to be submitted electronically in Cabrillo format via DARC Contest Hub.
- Closing date: 19.01.2025 23:59 UTC
- The publication of the result lists will take place on the DARC Contest Hub.
- The winners of the individual participation classes will receive a plaque. This will be awarded during a ceremony at the HAM Radio in Friedrichshafen following the contest.
- Each participant can download a certificate reflecting their result and ranking from the DARC Contest Hub.
- The results of this contest will automatically be included in the DARC Club Championships.
Additional rules
- The "General Contest Rules of the DARC" apply.
- Additional information can be found in the "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)".
Contest Manager
- Lars, DF1LON
DARC 10m-Contest - Official Rules till 2023
The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) has the honor to invite radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the annual DARC 10m contest.
Effective of Januar 2023 are the General Contest Rules of DARC Committee DX and HF Contesting.
1. Contest period
2nd Sunday in January, 0900-1059 UTC: 8th January 2023
2. Band and modes
CW : 28.000 to 28.190 kHz
SSB: 28.300 to 28.700 kHz
3. Stations to be worked
All - only once
4. Categories
Stations within Germany
- Single operator, mixed, low power
- Single operator, mixed, high power
- Single operator, CW, low power
- Single operator, CW, high power
- Single operator, SSB, low power
- Single operator, SSB, high power
Stations outside Germany
- Single operator, mixed
- Single operator, CW
- Single operator, SSB
Output power: low power = up to 100 watts, high power = more than 100 watts.
- DX cluster support is allowed for all categories
- Transmitters, receivers and antennas used in the contest must be located within a 2 km diameter circle
- Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time
5. Exchange
- DL stations send: RS(T) + serial number + DOK or "NM" (no member) if they are not DARC members. NM does not count as a multiplier.
- Stations from foreign countries (outside DL) send: RS(T) + serial number.
6. QSO points
Each valid QSO counts 1 point.
7. Multiplier
Each WAE country/DXCC entity and each different DOK.
8. Final score
Number of valid QSOs x Number of multipliers (countries/entities + DOKs).
9. Contest awards
Certificates will be awarded to every participant as a PDF file for self-printing.
10. Disqualification
Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification.
11. Logs
The logfile has to be uploaded as a Cabrillo file via: https://dxhf2.darc.de/~d10mlog/upload.cgi?form=referat&lang=de
The receipt of the log will be automatically confirmed by an email. After the log checking all participants will receive their UBN file via email. The logs will be part of the DCL (DARC Contest Logbook). By submitting the log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest.
12. Log submission deadline
NEW: 7 days after the contest: 15th January 2023
13. Contact
Email address (for questions only!): 10m-info |at| dxhf.darc.de
(Logs have to be uploaded via the website given above).