Sprint Competition

    Sprint Competition

      DA0HQ - Sprint Competition



      Submit Sprint Results

      Sprint Results



      DA0HQ / Sprint

      DA0HQ - Sprint - QSL - Card 2009

      The DARC contest commitee organizes a sprint competition in the IARU HF World Championship.

      The Sprint competition is divided into 4 classes, with Class 1 and 2 being divided into the High Power (> 100W) and Low Power (<100W) groups. Class 4 is a rating only for local clubs of the DARC and the VFDB.

      1HP> 100WWho works all 12 contest stations of DA0HQ within the shortest time after the start of the contest at 12:00 UTC?
      LP< 100W
      2HP> 100W
      Who works all 12 contest stations of DA0HQ within the shortest time? The start time is freely selectable.
      LP< 100W
      3< 5W (QRP)Who works the most contest stations of DA0HQ? If the number is the same, the time required determines the placement. The start time is freely selectable.
      4OVWhich OV has most QSOs with DA0HQ?

      Sprint result 2023

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      KlasseGruppePower1.Platz2.Platz3.PlatzResults List
      1HP> 100WDK6WLDl2OEDl1NKSDownload
      LP< 100WDL4AOJDL2LRTDL1RIDownload
      2HP> 100W



      LP< 100WDL0OEDL1AOBDL6NCYDownload
      3 < 5W (QRP)DJ0MYDF5RFDL8MFDownload
      4OV W22X41X42Download


      You can request your DA0HQ Sprint QSL as a PDF document below.

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      12. Juli 2024 - DL3MXX

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