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YL-WM 2011 Award

To commemorate Women's Football (Soccer) World Cup 2011 a special activity is going to emphasize this event. A number of Amateur Radio stations will be airing special event call signs during the duration of the World Championship.

In the period beginning June 1st and ending July 31st, 2011, the special station DL0YLWM and YL district stations with the call signs DL0YLx or DR11YLx and the special DOK YLWMx will be on the air. The character x stands forthe respective DARC district, e.g. DL0YLF will be active for DARC district Hessen and use the special DOK YLWMF.

Local YL operators will activate the district call signs.

The Deutsche Amateur Radio Club e.V. (DARC) is sponsoring the award "YL-WM 2011" to celebrate the Women's Football (Soccer) World Cup 2011. Both licensed amateur radio operators and short wave listeners (SWL's) can apply for this award.

Award Rules are available here.

Award application

YLWM Diplomantrag 01.doc
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