10-10.10 Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje, DK5HH, and Markus Heller, DL8RDS: Introduction
10.10-10.40 Marcus Müller, ETTUS: From my Microphone to the Ether – An example-based introduction to SDR
10.40-11.05 David Minchin, VK5KK: An update on the mcHF SDR Transceiver and Microwave SDR
11.05-11.30 Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR: FLEXRADIO. Debunking Direct Sampling Receiver Performance Myths
11.30-11.55 Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje, DK5HH (HS Bremen): Red Pitaya - Measurement device and emulation of SDR-Transceivers
11.55-13.40 John Melton, G0ORX/N6LYT: OpenHPSDR. Stand-alone HPSDR Transceiver using low-cost processors
Phil Harman, VK6PH: Direct Fourier Conversion (DFC) – An alternative architecture for Software Defined Radios
Dr. Warren C. Pratt, NR0V: Advanced Algorithms for Noise Blanking and Noise Reduction
Adam Farson, VA7OJ/AB4OJ: Evaluating Digital Receivers
13.40-14.25 Lunch break
14.25-14.50 Prof. Dr. Harald Gerlach, DL2SAX (HS Neu-Ulm): SDR in Contest Practice
14.50-15.15 Harald Göbkes, DB1CC: R2T2 Recent Developments
15.15-15.40 Alexandru Csete, OZ9AEC: Nanosdr - Software defined radio for embedded devices
15.40-16.05 Bastian Blössl, DF1BBL (Univ. Paderborn): GQRX as a Graphical Frontend for Digital Receivers
16.05-16.30 András Retzler, HA7ILM (Univ. Budapest): Recent work on OpenWebRX and csdr
16.30-16.55 Mike Walters: Reversing digital signals with inspectrum
16.55-17.20 Sebastian Müller (Univ. Karlsruhe): Signal Intelligence with Software Defined Radio
17.20-17.45 Chris Kuethe, KJ6GVE: Title still to be defined
17.45-18 Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje, DK5HH, and Markus Heller, DL8RDS: Summary